Primary and Secondary Healthecare Department Punjab
Hepatitis & Infection Control Program Punjab is striving for the Prevention and Control of Hepatitis &
Infection in Punjab, Primary and Secondary Healthecare Department Punjab intended to strengthen the existing Provincial officeofHepatitis & infection control Program Punjab. The Primary&Secondary Healthcare Department Punjab seeks the services of Committed & Dynamic Professional having domicile of Punjab Province for the following posts on contract basis. The qualification, experience and other requirements for the positions are as under:
Infection in Punjab, Primary and Secondary Healthecare Department Punjab intended to strengthen the existing Provincial officeofHepatitis & infection control Program Punjab. The Primary&Secondary Healthcare Department Punjab seeks the services of Committed & Dynamic Professional having domicile of Punjab Province for the following posts on contract basis. The qualification, experience and other requirements for the positions are as under:
Name of Post Program officer
No. of Post 04
Age in years 35 Years
Monthly Pay 90,000/-
Qualification 16 or preferably 18-year education in Medicine/Pubiic Health/ Statistics/ Biostatistics/ Biological Sciences/ Pharmacy/ Social Sciences or Management.
Experience At least 2-year poet qualification experience working with public health related or policy- making organisation. Experience of molecular biology/ microbiology will be preferred.
General Terms and Conditions:
- The above positions are offered on contract basis for three year under the Contract Appointment Policy 2004 of the Government of the Punjab.
- The provincial quotas shall be applicable for the above-mentioned posts @ I5% for Women, 5% for Minority and 3% for Disabled Persons.
- General age relaxation in upper age limit for Male Candidate-5 Years and for Female candidate-8 Years
- The Maximuamlupper age limit as mentioned in above schedule shall be raised by 10 years for disabled person to be appointed against quota for disabled person.
Procedure for submission of Application Forms
- All Government Employees are eligible for apply through proper Channel.
- In case a candidate wishes to apply for more than one post, he/she must submit separate application form for each post.
- Candidates for application form must visit National Testing Service (NTS) website ( pk).
- Candidates shall submit dúly filled Application form, along with deposit slip of prescribed fee in favor of National Testing Service, copy. of CNIC and two recent passport size photographs, direct to NTS theogh.courieron.the address mentioned.on Application form
- The date of written test shall be communicated to the eligible/shortlisted candidates only through NTS
- Incomplete applications or applications received after close of office hours on the last date for submission of application will not be
entertained. - Application complete in all respects should reach NTS till 04-February-2020
- Roll No. Slip shall be separately dispatched directly to candidate by NTS at least one week before the test.
- Candidates shall have at least 50% marks in NTS test to quality.
- In case of large number of Candidates qualifying NTS test primary & Secondary healthcare Department reserve the right to decide upon any threshold marks/ratio of candidates vis-vis post to be further candidates in the recruitment process interview.
- The Shortlist Candidates shall be called for final interview and list of selected candidates will be displayed on “” and on Facebook page “health information and service delivery unit of Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department”.
- No Separate test / lnterview call and intimation will be made to the eligible / shortlisted candidates.
- No TADA will be admissible to candidates
- Department has the right to accept/ reject or cancel any application or recruitment process.
- No. of vacancies can be increased or decreased at any time without any notice.
- Advertisement can also be downloaded from the website of Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department and on Facebook page of “Health Information &Service Delivery Unit (HISDU) of Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department”.
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